Common Chiropractic Misconceptions in Monroe

The staff at Health and Rehab Therapies believe it is important that our community knows the truth about Chiropractic Neurology and seeks to dispel the common chiropractic misconceptions in Monroe associated with Chiropractic Neurology. This article goes over some of the common chiropractic misconceptions that people in Monroe have about chiropractic care.
Common Chiropractic Misconception in Monroe
Chiropractic Treatment Is Expensive
The fact is Chiropractic Neurology comparatively costs less than comparable treatment options when you consider effectiveness per visit and function recovery vs disease maintenance.
Chiropractic Neurology Can Be Dangerous
Chiropractic is generally considered a more thorough practice of medical neurology. Unlike medical neurology Chiropractic Neurology does not attempt to diagnose a condition, it actually treats the areas found to be deficient during the full examination. Chiropractic Neurology treatment utilizes many different physical therapies, one of those therapies may be a chiropractic adjustment or a SNAG (sustained natural apophyseal glide) which is a milder form of adjustment. All therapies are from evidence-based and researched clinical studies.
Chiropractic Neurologists Aren't Real Doctors
Chiropractic Neurologists have attained a high level of training and licensure in order to practice their discipline. Following 3 or 4 years of undergraduate training most chiropractic schools are a 5 academic year program. If someone wishes to achieve the discipline of Chiropractic Neurology another 350 hours of training over 2 years is the minimum. Most practitioners then continue their training to specialize in areas such as Vestibular (Balance) rehabilitation, concussion treatment and rehab, childhood development disorders, the treatment of chronic pain syndromes, metabolize and neuropathic disorders, and more.
Chiropractors Only Treat Back And Neck Pain
Chiropractors frequently treat these problems as they are common and people realize that taking chemicals is not a long terms answer to any problem. Chiropractors actually treat people and the injuries, loss of function, and conditions associated with being alive and living in the societies that we do. Chiropractic neurologists do this as well with a focus on discovering the level and severity of loss of function in what we refer to as the neuroaxis from top to bottom, inside and out.
Chiropractic Neurology Is Not Scientific
Chiropractic Neurology is only based on the studies and research of Neuroscience. Clinical neuroscience is the joining of the researched-based evidence and the patient application in the clinical therapy and rehabilitation setting. Chiropractic Neurology is when we take what is known and apply it to rehabilitation and recovery. All the testing, examinations, and treatments can be found in textbooks and the papers generated from researched studies.
Once You Start Going To A Chiropractor You Can't Stop
Each and every person has the choice to receive care and many people who receive chiropractic treatment desire to continue and maintain the improvements they are experiencing. Chiropractic Neurology treatment is similar however the treatment plans have a specific start and endpoint usually being 12 treatments over a one or two-week period. Following the treatment plan, the patient is expected to continue their therapies at home to continue their recovery and maintain the fruits of their investments.
If the idea of treatment at Health and Rehab Therapies is of interest to you or someone you know, contact us at (704) 776-8667 for a no charge consultation or screening.
8:30am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
8:30am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 8:00pm
8:30am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Health and Rehab Therapies
3513 W Hwy 74 Suite B
Monroe, NC 28110